Why LoRaLine
LoRaLine autonomous emergency network connects first responders to you even when cellphones, internet and power are down.
A series of outdoor, solar powered repeaters automatically relay messages sent by the authorities to homeowners consoles. Critical messages, such as “Prepare to evacuate” will cause an audible alarm and a flashing light to alert you and suggest taking action at once.
How it works
In your home, a small desktop console will automatically receive emergency status information. But should you be in extreme distress, pressing one button will request help be dispatched to your home.
Technical details
Home desktop console
Runs 2+ weeks on internal battery.
Kept charged via USB wall-wart.
Really loud flashing alarm for alerts.
Messages appear on color touchscreen.
One button response to “Are you OK?”.
One button emergency “I need help”.
Connects to local WiFi for software updates.
Each unit contains a battery which has been designed and tested to operate for at least two weeks after external AC power dies.
Outdoor repeaters
Relays messages from unit to unit.
Mounted on simple PVC pipe.
Typically placed on hilltops and knolls.
Forms the network “backbone”.
Sealed waterproof enclosure.
Runs 2+ weeks on internal battery.
Kept charged via solar panel..
Using the color touch screen on the console, users can enter their name, address and local WiFi access information.
If needed, this information can also be entered and updated remotely, through the network itself.
Each station automatically discovers its neighboring stations, and will continue to operate in an emergency, even if some of the nearby stations are no longer functional.